
MedCom is the industry leader in managing ChargeMaster conversion services. Powered by our CMNavigator® SaaS charge capture solution, we proudly serve our clients with superior accuracy, efficiency, and consistency.

Whether it be a paralleled conversion, a direct cutover or a phased approach, system conversion is a highly complex process and can be exceptionally burdensome for hospital staff. One missed step could result in millions of lost revenue. A systematic approach, executed by experienced subject matter experts in Revenue Cycle and Information Technology, is imperative to the success of the conversion project, thus ensuring the organization's financial solvency.

MedCom is equipped to support various types of system conversions:

It's more than the CDM data mapping.

  • Build a Corporate Standard based on disparate CDMs
  • Map newly acquired facility's CDM to the Corporate Standard
  • Convert the legacy CDM to a new EMR system

Our comprehensive conversion service package also includes:

  • Charge Structure Change
  • Strategic Pricing Alignment
  • Volume Analysis
  • Policy Development
  • Training and Education
  • Implementation Support

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Leveraging Technology to Improve Revenue

A study summarized on yahoo!finance indicates that the future of Health Care Revenue Cycle Management may include increases in outsourcing. “The study, entitled PatientPay 2022, found 63% of respondents indicated they were ...

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